” I can die as fast as possible or I can live a brilliant life.”

What an amazing and inspiring quote.  So what exactly does that mean to you?  For me it means I can either feel sorry for myself or live my life to the fullest and be content with how God created me.  I sometimes get very discouraged with being an Albino and with being legally blind.  I am not one to feel sorry for myself on a regular basis but I am human and yes, I do get discouraged because I can’t see as well as others.  However, there  are people out there that wish the only thing they had to deal with is being seeing impaired.  Quotes like the one I stated  above  reminds us of how grateful we should be and how we should make the best of our lives.What does it mean to make the best of ourselves?  To me it simply means to take what God has given you and use it for His Glory and Honor. I can only speak for myself,  however, there were times in my life when  I just didn’t think God could use me.  I had to realize that it was not me that could accomplish anything on my own, but only by God’s grace and mercy that I could do anything.   We are all in the same boat, just because I may not know what you may experience doesn’t mean that you are enduring more hardship then me.  It just means that each and everyone of us has a  different story to write, and fulfill.  We can either sit and stare at our life and never put anything in our  book of life, or we can go out and live our lives and accomplish things that not only please God, but also at the same time  be an encouragement to those around us.  We do not live our lives unto ourselves, we effect anyone we come within contact.  I am not an amazing person but I want to live an amazing life.  Therefore I will live my life brilliantly.  How about you?  Will you live your life brilliantly or just die fast? No one can make that choice for you, only you can.   So make the right one today.